The Vicissitude
The Vicissitude is a series of generative art pieces crafted entirely in TouchDesigner. A specifically written program retrieves real-time weather data from the OpenWeather server, transforming it into parameters that shape the final visual output. 

Much like the elusive nature of weather data, these visuals offer minimal, if any, genuine insight into the actual atmospheric conditions. Can the universal language of numerical representation capture the intricacies of natural phenomena? Can every facet of existence truly be reduced to mere numbers?

Part of the solo showcase at the Cube in Feb 2024 and GIRI Berlin in Jul 2024. It presented an array of the Vicissitude prints along with a dynamic canvas that responded directly to audience participation.

Part of the solo showcase at the Cube in Feb 2024 and GIRI Berlin in Jul 2024. It presented an array of the Vicissitude prints along with a dynamic canvas that responded directly to audience participation.